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Heavy Metal Toxicity

What Are Heavy Metals
Are There Tests For This?
What Is A Chelating Agent?
Where In The Body Can These Heavy Metals Collect?
Lead Toxicity
Where Is Lead Found In The Environment?
Mercury Toxicity
Are There Any Dentists That Understand Mercury Toxicity?
Arsenic Toxicity
Aluminum Toxicity
Clinical Cases

Broadcasted on ElevatedRadioFM.com
21 August 2019

What Are Heavy Metals

Common examples are Lead, Mercury, Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Nickel, Tin, and Uranium. When I test for heavy metal toxicity, I test for 20 in the urine (A), and 10 in the hair (B).

(A) Aluminum, Antimony Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Cadmium, Cesium, Gadolinium, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Palladium, Platinum, Tellurium, Thallium, Thorium, Tin, Tungsten, Uranium.
(B) Boron, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Lithium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Vanadium, Zinc.


The term heavy metals refers to any metallic element on the Periodic Chart of Elements that has a high atomic mass / high density. It must also be toxic to all carbon based biological life forms in very low concentrations. This means to humans, mammals, fish, etc.

While aluminum is considered a light metal, it still has a high atomic mass and is very toxic to human life in very small doses.

Are There Tests For This?


I use the lab Doctor’s Data. This tests for elements that are essential for life, in addition to 10 heavy metals. The elements that are essential for life can become toxic in high concentrations.

Some test values I need to consider as a doctor are not available in a blood test. This is why I also need a hair and urine test.

From my radio show about Type II diabetes, it is this hair test that determines bodily concentrations of the essential mineral Chromium. Remember, Type II Diabetes is all about having sufficient levels of Chromium.

Samples of hair are taken from the nape of the neck where there is always excellent blood flow. Just look at any bald man. There is always hair growing at the nape of the neck. Only the first inch next to the skin is tested because that represents about one month of fresh hair growth.

If there is NO head hair, pubic hair is a substitute.


Two tests are run back to back. One upon rising on one day, then repeated again the next day. On the second day everything is the same except a chelating agent is administered upon rising. Precise instructions must be followed to the letter to assure accurate test readings.

The idea is to see what the body is excreting all on its own. What do I mean? If a person has a really healthy body, a body that is purring like a race car engine or, is in complete homeostasis like I mentioned in my Diabetes show, and toxins get into that body, the body is so healthy it will just kick those toxins right back out.

On the other hand. If there is something wrong with that person, seen or unseen, that prevents his / her body from excreting toxins all on its own; that is dangerous.

A good example is a stage four Parkinson’s patient. She and her husband have lived together for over 50 years. Same foods, same environment, same habits. One would therefore expect similarities in their toxic elements urine test. Nope.

His hair, first and second urine tests were all similar. Mild excretion of heavy metals in the hair and urine, and remained mild excretion with the chelating agent.

Her hair and first urine tests were very clean. No heavy metals. However, when I conducted the second urine test, the one with a chelating agent, her levels of lead toxicity were higher than I have ever seen in 20 plus years conducting these tests! Her mercury and aluminum were also quite high.

In this patient’s body, I believe her extremely high levels of lead were short circuiting her brain, which caused her Parkinson’s disease.

What Is A Chelating Agent?

A chelating agent is a molecule with four claws in the inside, and an empty space between those claws. When it enters into the body, it will draw out minerals. Minerals can be light in molecular weight, or heavy as in heavy metal toxicity. If it finds a light weight mineral, like the kind we need to remain healthy, it will extract that mineral and hang onto it with its four claws. However, if it comes across a heavier mineral, such as a heavy metal, it will drop the lighter weight mineral in favor of the heavy metal. Kind of like when we were teenagers. Find one good date, then drop them because we have a higher interest in a different date.

A chelating agent is essential when a patient has a body that will not get rid of heavy metals and other toxins all by itself. It is especially critical when those heavy metals have accumulated to dangerously high levels.

There are three chelating agents that can be used:

EDTA – Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acidEcho, Delta, Tango, Alpha
DMPS – 2,3-Di mercapto-1-propanesulfonic acidDelta, Mike, Papa, Sierra
DMSA – Di mercapto succinic acidDelta, Mike, Sierra, Alpha

Both EDTA and DMPS need to be administered intravenously. That means at a doctor’s office, sitting in a chair, with a needle in your arm which is attached to an overhead IV bag.

I used to do a lot of EDTA IVs, but I discontinued. There are significant risks and some patients have died because their doctor was not careful.

I do not like DMPS because I feel it can be harsh on the person.

I prefer DMSA which is administered orally. However a doctor must first determine what oral dose is perfectly safe for each individual patient.

Where In The Body Can These Heavy Metals Collect?

Some internet searches will state that heavy metal toxicity only accumulates in the soft tissue of the body meaning: muscles, intestines, fat cells, etc. This is not entirely true.

Many of these metals, especially the most toxic ones like lead, mercury, aluminum and arsenic, can cross the blood/brain barrier and accumulated inside brain tissue. The brain is NOT defined as soft tissue.

Lead also accumulates inside bone tissue, which also is NOT soft tissue.

Lead, mercury, aluminum, tin and arsenic all conduct electricity. They destroy brain cells by short circuiting electrical brain activity, besides being toxic to brain cells.

If any of these enters into brain tissue, it is only a matter of where these metals have accumulated to determine which disease is manifested. If one or more acculturated in the part of the brain called the substantia nigra, Parkinson’s disease is the end result.

If they accumulate in the frontal lobe, Alzheimer’s or dementia is the final outcome.


In order:





Lead Toxicity

In my experience, I have found lead to be by far the most dangerous heavy metal toxin and also the hardest to eliminate.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports the following symptoms:

(The CDC is a federally run health watch dog.)

1) Frequently seen in exposed children:

Abdominal pain, colic, severe and repeated vomiting; Irritability; Hyperactivity; Anorexia; Loss of appetite; Ataxia; Mental disturbances.

2) Advanced stages:

Mental retardation; Learning disability; Speech disturbances; Stupor or fatigue; Intermittent fever; Dehydration; Constipation, Diarrhea, Nausea; Altered sleep; Epileptic seizures; Headaches; Poor memory; Inability to concentrate; ADD/ADHD; Aberrant behavior; Decreased coordination; Irritability; Pain in abdomen, bones and muscles; Gout; Anemia.

3) Physiologically:

The renal, nervous, reproductive, endocrine, immune, and hemopoietic systems are affected.

Sub-toxic oral exposure to lead and cadmium increases the susceptibility to bacterial and viral


That means the kidneys, nerves, reproductive organs, hormone system, and ability of bone marrow to make red and white blood cells.

4) Other symptoms associated with the early stages of lead intoxication are:

Headaches; Vertigo; Tremor; Joint pain; Neuritis; General mental symptoms, psychoneuroses.

5) Symptoms of ACUTE intoxication include:

a) Colic; Loss of muscle strength; Muscle tenderness; Paresthesia; Signs of neuropathy.

b) Kidney damage, liver damage, damage to reproductive organs, anemia (not enough RBCs), and brain function problems.

c) Lead is known to be responsible for convulsions, abdominal pain, paralysis, temporary blindness, extreme pallor, loss of weight and appetite, constipation, decreased visual and motor functions. (Motor means it becomes hard to walk or move the arms.)

d) Lead causes nerve and mental problems, especially affecting learning ability in children. The CDC reported the IQs of middle-class children dropped five to seven points after lead exposure.


Lead stores in the bones, replaces calcium, which leads to osteoporosis and anemia.

Lead crosses the blood brain barrier, conducts electricity, will short circuit brain signals, potentially resulting in Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and / or Dementia.

Therapeutic considerations:

Light or Mild lead exposure can be successfully treated by fixing bad dietary habits and replacing missing minerals in the diet so the body reaches a state of Homeostasis. In heavy lead toxicity a chelating agent is necessary such as EDTA and DMSA.

When lead loads are heavy, the patient should never expect to get all their lead out of their bones. It is very difficult because lead has a tendency to remain in bone cells. When lead is in other parts of the body, it will be expelled easier. Lead in the brain is bad and is best treated quickly using chelating agents, due to the heavy potential harm to the brain.


Increases in Phosphorus, Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex, Pectin, Vitamins A, C and E, and Chromium, can all help avoid cellular damage and slowly reduce lead levels.

Vitamin D is also necessary, but not directly. Vitamin D is essential for the activation of calcium into body tissues. Vitamin K is essential for directing where calcium is needed. Therefore, inadequate vitamin D intake facilitates increased absorption of lead, simply because there is less calcium in the bones. The pH of the body must be kept in extremely narrow parameters. If the pH is too acidic, calcium is pulled from the bones to raise the pH to safe levels. If not needed, extra calcium is stored back inside the bones. When calcium is pulled out and if there is any lead nearby, the lead will quickly fill those empty voids inside the bones.

Where Is Lead Found In The Environment?

1) Common sources of lead:

Lead based paints from older homes; crystal glass; ceramics; canned food; food crops; water contamination and old time leaded gasoline.


Though leaded gasoline in no longer legal in the USA, I have several patients, myself included, that were exposed to leaded gasoline fumes most of our lives, so we still have to cover this topic.

Medical research:

Has established a connection between early childhood lead exposure and future criminal activity, especially of a violent nature (1).

Numerous studies:

Link elevated bone or blood lead levels with aggression, destructive and delinquent behavior, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and criminal behavior (2).

Broader research:

Links lead exposure to antisocial and destructive behavior in humans and animals (3).

Very low levels of lead exposure:

Can cause significant neurologic damage to children and stunt normal brain growth. Lead exposure is linked to cognitive and behavioral impairment which influences learning disabilities in children and violent behavior in teens. Low doses of lead can cause a broad range of functional problems such as loss of self-control, shortened attention span and a host of learning disorders that often cause lead-exposed children to perform poorly in school and ultimately to drop out. (4)

Leaded gasoline production in the USA began in 1922.

Due to concerns over air pollution and health risks, leaded gasoline slowly started to be phased out in the late 1970’s and banned altogether in 1995. As of 2014, in Algeria, Iraq, Yemen, Myanmar, North Korea, and Afghanistan. As of June 2016 only Algeria, Yemen, and Iraq continue use of leaded gasoline (5).

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development:

Tracked lead consumption in paint and gasoline over the past century and discovered as the amount of lead released into the environment from paint and auto exhaust rose and fell through the decades, so did a broad range of reported violent crimes of rape, robbery, assault and murder (5).

The variation in childhood gasoline lead exposure:

From 1941 to 1986 explains nearly 90% of the variation in violent crime rates from 1960 to 1998. The reduction in use of lead paint explains 70% of the variation in murder rates from 1900 to 1960 (5).

Implementation of the Clean Air Act:

And the resultant drop in lead poisoning in the 1970s and 1980s accounts for one-third of the drop in crime throughout the 1990s (6)

Lead disrupts the normal release of dopamine, a powerful neuro chemical that controls an array of brain functions. Lead exposure causes physical changes in actual brain structure and can disrupt key brain chemistry that controls inhibition, learning and impulsiveness.

The common denominator in all these cases, upon autopsy, found high levels of lead in the bones of these aggressive and violent criminals.

Mercury Toxicity

How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Damage – University of Calgary, Canada

This is information you will not find in the USA. Mercury is a very powerful neurotoxin, meaning it kills nerve fibers. This information was already known 15 years before the University of Calgary recorded their video in 2007. Since 1997, researchers had already definitely established that dental amalgam tooth fillings are a major contributor in mercury body burden.

The University of Calgary in Alberta Canada, has a five minute video detailing how mercury denudes brain cell neurons. Denuding means to strip away.

Think of nerve fibers like copper wire. There is the inner core of copper which is insulated with a rubber sleeve. Think how ineffective household wiring would be if all the rubber sleeving was melted away.

This study was conducted on brain nerve cells from snails. Snail brain neurons are composed of the same materials as human brains. So the effects in this video will be the same in human brains.

This video is the same with all three links. I have included all three just in case someone from “higher up” decides we should not be allowed to know the truth about mercury.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU8nSn5Ezd8             7 May 2007

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUatrXvRSGE             3 October 2012

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1RHWfJSo6w           1 April 2013

When I was a child I used to play with mercury when our home furnace thermostat needed to be replaced. I took apart the thermostat so I could experience firsthand, how could this metal be liquid and still conduct electricity. I let the mercury ball roll around in my hand. If only I knew how toxic it was at that time.


After dental amalgams are used, elevated hair mercury may be observed for six months to over a year.

Hair mercury has been found to correlate with acute myocardial infarction where on average a 1 ppm mercury was found to correlate with a 9 percent increase in acute myocardial infarction risk.

Symptoms of acute contamination:

Metallic taste, thirst, discoloration and edema of oral mucosa, burning mouth pain, salivation, abdominal pain, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, severe gastroenteritis, colitis, nephrosis, anuria, uremia, shock.

Symptoms of chronic contamination:

Gingivitis, weakness, ataxia, intention tremors, chronic fatigue (caused by inhibition of thyroid conversion of T4 to T3); depression; poor memory; poor cognitive function; learning disabilities; behavioral disorders; emotional instability; speech impairment, irritability; peripheral numbness, tingling / neuropathy; sleep disturbance; decreased senses of touch, vision and hearing; hypersensitivity reactions to foods resulting in several significant food allergies; persistent infections including Systemic Candidiasis, a chronic yeast overgrowth which contaminates  the entire body; compromised immune function; cardiovascular disease, decrease in nerve signaling.

Eventually this will likely lead to many autoimmune diseases, such as SLE (systemic lupus erythematosis); myelinopathies such as MS and myasthenia gravis; rheumatoid arthritis; MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity).

An inverse relationship has been studied linking increased hair mercury levels with decreases in intelligence scores of school children.

Mercury displaces Selenium (which is a major anti-oxidant), zinc (protein, DNA and energy metabolism) and copper.

Supplementation of magnesium, zinc, calcium, selenium, and manganese has been shown to be beneficial in relieving mercury loads.

Sources: Primary source of Mercury toxicity which was studied by the University of Calgary, Canada has linked dental amalgam fillings as number one. Other sources of mercury are: large fish, pesticide residues, mercurial fungicides on seed grains, dental fillings, coal burning, calomel (mercurous chloride), interior paints, pharmaceuticals, the manufacture of paper, pulp and plastic products, and water.

Are There Any Dentists That Understand Mercury Toxicity?

In 2001 I interviewed several dentists in both the Portland Oregon and Vancouver Washington areas. I wanted to locate dentists who were knowledgeable about the seriousness of mercury poisoning. While I did not interview all possible dentists, I found only five in the Portland area and one in the Vancouver area that understood mercury is a poison. As such, these six dentists will remove amalgam fillings while taking appropriate precautions so the mercury vapors, dust and chips are not allowed to enter into and contaminate any body tissues. All six treated amalgam removal as extremely toxic to the patient, dentist, dental assistant, and office staff

If you are in doubt whether or not your dentist takes these precautions, before making an appointment, ask your potential dentist if he/she uses amalgam fillings in their practice. Even if your dentist uses non-amalgam (white) fillings if requested; they may still use amalgam fillings if they do not understand that mercury is a powerful neurotoxin.

Years ago at a continuing educational seminar in Seattle Washington, a dentist gave a lecture about mercury toxicity. He had done extensive research by removing all mercury fillings from any patient who was presenting with mercury toxicity symptoms. This dentist found that amalgam fillings (silver fillings) were “leaking” mercury vapors into the patient’s mouth and causing their symptoms. After he removed all mercury fillings, the symptoms went away. He had lots of studies and patient files. The ADA (American Dental Association) told this dentist: “Either stop your mercury lectures, or turn over your dental license.” He decided it was too important to remain silent, so he turned over his license to practice dentistry in the State of Washington.

An internet search for dental mercury toxicity will bring up a tremendous amount of information verifying mercury toxicity and dental amalgam fillings. Of course, the ADA and other governmental organizations will defend dental amalgam fillings. We expect this.

I suggest listeners do their own research and make their own decisions.

The danger of mercury fillings can be easily illustrated in medical journal I read in the early 1990s. It compared the amount of mercury in one average size dental amalgam filling to contamination of a 10 acre lake. If the same amount of mercury in an average amalgam filling were to be found in a 10 acre lake, the EPA would have closed the lake to the public due to environmental contamination.

There is also another serious problem with mercury poisoning. If there is mercury found in the blood, the half-life is 90 days. However, if mercury is “hidden” in the body, then the half-life is 60 years.


The term “half-life” is usually associated with taking antibiotics. Say you took a prescription of 500 mg Amoxicillian for a bacterial infection. Amoxicillian has a half-life of 8 hours. Your doctor tells you to take one capsule every eight hours. Why? Because in eight hours the potency of that Amoxicillian will only be one-half, compared to when you first swallowed the capsule. Or, it is only as effective as though you took a 250mg capsule.

If mercury is hidden in the body, say like brain tissue. In 60 years one half of that mercury will have become neutral and expelled from the body. Just think, in another 60 more years it will no longer affect you.

Arsenic Toxicity

Chronic arsenic exposure is known to cause:

Bone marrow depression; Leukopenia; Normochromic anemia; Exfoliation and pigmentation of skin.

Neurological symptoms:

Polyneuritis; Altered hematopoiesis; Liver degeneration; Kidney degeneration; Skin cancer; Cancers of the respiratory tract; agitation, learning impairment, and confusion.

Delayed toxicity symptoms include:

Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, hematuria, and jaundice.


Of relatively large amounts of soluble arsenic compounds, especially on an empty stomach, affect the myocardium, causing death within a few hours. Ingesting smaller amounts of arsenic can cause epigastric pain, vomiting and diarrhea, followed by inflammation of the conjunctiva and respiratory mucous membranes, epitaxis, transient jaundice, cardiomyopathy, erythematous or visceral rashes, and sweating.

Other symptoms:

Malaise; muscle weakness; eczema; dermatitis; increased salivation; strong “garlic breath”, Alopecia totalis, vomiting, diarrhea and skin cancer.

Hematological, renal, or pancreatic dysfunction may be observed.

Symptoms of neuropathy:

Typically appear as with tingling and paresthesia in the extremities.

Proteinuria and methemoglobinemia are frequently observed, causing renal failure and death.

Arsenic can be absorbed by the human body through the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts and through the skin.


Arsenic is found in tobacco smoke and is a suspected causative factor in lung cancer.

Arsenic is also found in metal smelting, the production of glass and ceramics; insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides; arsenic containing paints.

Drinking water may also be a source of arsenic toxicity. In our area in southern Washington, anyone with deep wells of 400 feet or more, high levels of arsenic are plaguing the home owners. The allowable amount of arsenic in well water needs to be 10 PPM (parts per million) or less. We have a neighbor whose well water tested to have over 200 PPM. They had to install a very expensive filtration system that has to be professionally cleaned every nine months.

Our well is only 72 feet deep. We had it tested. No traces of any arsenic toxicity.

Elevated hair and urine levels:

Are seen long before acute clinical signs of arsenic toxicity are obvious.

Clinical Considerations


Antioxidant therapy, especially ascorbic acid or calcium ascorbate, vitamin E (all tocopherols), increased intake of sulfur-containing amino acids, vitamin B6. Note: Arsenic suppresses iodine and selenium.


The relationship between cognitive functions and hair mineral concentrations of lead, arsenic, cadmium, and aluminum was examined for a random selection of 69 children. The data obtained showed a significant correlation between reading and writing skill and elevated arsenic levels, as well as interaction between arsenic and lead. Children with reduced visual-motor skills, had clearly elevated aluminum and lead levels.

Aluminum Toxicity

Aluminum toxicity is associated with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, behavioral/learning disorders such as ADD, ADHD and autism.

High levels of aluminum have been found in the hair of delinquent, psychotic, and pre-psychotic boys, and in juvenile offenders.

Aluminum has neurotoxic effects at high levels, but low levels of accumulation may not elicit immediate symptoms.

Early symptoms of Aluminum burden may include fatigue, headache, and other symptoms.

Aluminum is a heavy metal that displaces your other good minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, zinc and phosphorus.

One of the things that you should do to help your overall long-term health is to reduce your aluminum intake. The most common sources of aluminum to avoid are: dental amalgams, antiperspirants, aluminum cookware, antacids, some baking sodas, baking powder, some breath mints, pickles, some skin lotions, some cosmetics, aluminum foil, canned goods, emulsifiers in some processed cheese, bleaching agent used in white flour, buffered aspirin, some toothpastes, cigarette filters, and tap drinking water. It is best to never eat or drink anything that comes in a can.

Aluminum rods are commonly used in hot water tanks in areas of acidic water. These rods will dissolve neutralizing the water, thus protecting the hot water tank. A hot water heating element from magnesium is recommended. Check your local home improvement stores.

Vitamin Considerations:

Chlorella and Magnesium with Malic Acid have been reported to be quite effective in lowering

Aluminum toxicity.

Clinical Cases

1) Motorcycle Mechanic

This patient had been doctor hoping for years all over the Salem, Portland, and Vancouver area.. (Oregon and Washington.) He had to use a walker. He literally dragged his feet has he slowly shuffled forward.

Our clinic did the urinary tests which used a chelating agent. He has extremely toxic in mercury. It took some time, but all traces of mercury were eliminated. We were sure he would regain his ability to walk. He did not.

Remember my radio show, Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM)? Even though all traces of mercury had been removed, the electronic signature of mercury remained. Remember, external physical forces, toxins, even emotions, can and will alter the natural vibrational signature of the tissue. I began treating him with FSM for mercury toxicity. He stopped using his walker and had progressed to only needing a cane. His use of a cane remained with him from thence forward because of the intense damages mercury did on his nervous system. But now he was walking fast enough I had to work hard to keep up to him!

2) Parkinson’s Patients

I have a nice case study with a very positive end result. It is detailed on my website under Parkinson’s disease.



            Medical topics

I’ll let the listeners read this case on their own.

Instead I will briefly tell about a patient that did not do very well.

I begin were I left off earlier in today’s show.

Remember I mentioned a female stage four Parkinson’s patient where her and her husband had been married for 50 years. Her chelation urine test found extremely high levels of lead.

Her blood test found her stomach was not producing any HCl (Hydrochloric acid). One can take all the digestive enzymes in the world, but if the pH of the stomach does not drop down to a very low acidic state, you cannot digest any foods, especially vitamins when in the form of a capsule or tablet.

The most important supplement on her list of pharmaceutical grade supplements which I prescribed was Betaine HCl. Her body was extremely week due to malnutrition.

The next day they returned their HCl supplement. They were strict vegetarians.

They found out that source of HCl was extracted from pig stomach. Even though there was no pig in the capsule, the very fact it was extracted from pig caused them to not use the product. I explained the importance of taking HCl that it was the most important supplement she needed.

They found an HCl supplement that was extracted from plant material. I explained we are not plants, we are mammals. HCl from a plant is not going to help with human digestion. They were insistent they would only use the plant derived HCl.

This patient desperately needed to use DMSA to chelate out all of that lead. However her body was too weak to use DMSA. I will not recommend DMSA unless I can find evidence in a patient’s blood test that it will be safe for them.

She still would not consume HCl extracted from a pig. All the supplements I prescribed to her were passing through her body undigested, coming out in her stool intact. Her body became weaker and weaker due to malnutrition. She never did get healthy enough to use DMSA. She progressed from stage four Parkinson’s to stage five. At this point they stopped coming to our clinic. I assume she is either completely bedridden or has passed.

It is a dying shame her strict vegan diet was literally killing her.

3) Chronic Nerve Damage:

Elderly female patient. Numerous raised skin lesions without bleeding or color changes.

Usually blood, hair, and both urinary tests conducted.

Extremely high level of arsenic were found in the urine test.

I had one patient with very high arsenic poisoning. Her symptoms were primarily neurological. The arsenic had poisoned her nervous system. An analysis of their current well revealed no Arsenic. Finally it was trace to a home they owned 25 years earlier in Canada. Her arsenic toxicity had been destroying her nervous system for 25 years.

We arrested future damages, but the damages already done on her nervous system had become permanent.

The numerous raised skin lesions were due to lack of nerve innervation to the surface of the skin. Without adequate nerve innervations, muscles become spastic. The small muscles under her skin had become spastic, which caused the raised lesions.

End ElevatedRadioFM.com show



(1)        Needleman et al. 1996; Needleman et al. 2002; Wright et al. 2008

(2)        Bellinger et al. 1994; Nevin 2000; Needleman et al. 2002; Needleman 2004; Braun et al. 2006; Wright et al. 2008.

(3)        Canfield et al. 2004; Froehlich et al. 2007; Surkan and Zhang 2007

(4         Lanphear et al. 2005; Wilson et al. 2006; Chen et al. 2007; Bellinger 2008a, 2008b.

(5)        Nevin 2000

(6)        Reyes 2007

DISCLAIMER This information is provided for Educational Purposes Only and has NOT been designed to diagnose, treat or cure any health conditions. Please consult a qualified Health Care Professional with Nutritional Training to diagnose your health conditions and avoid self-diagnosis. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated statements about these health topics or any suggested product compositions.