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Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Symptoms of a More Serious Underlying Heath Problem, in order:
Cardio Vascular Disease

Overwhelming Stress
Heavy Metal Toxicity
Adductive Medicine
Amino Acid Therapy

Herbal Therapy
Vitamin Therapy
Allopathic Choices

Symptoms of a More Serious Underlying Heath Problem, in order:
Cardio Vascular Disease

1) Reduce abnormally high blood pressure without the use of blood pressure lowering drug therapy.
A) Chelation: EDTA and or DMSA.
B) Correct any cholesterol problems through proper diet and liver support.
C) Exercise
D) Frequency Specific Microcurrent. (Study currently being conducted.).

The bodies of all mammals will prioritize which body parts receive the most attention.
1) Top of the list are heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, liver and stomach.
A) Life cannot exist without these most critical organ systems.
2) Bottom of the list: Sexual Organs.
A) Life can continue to exist without use of sexual organs.
B) Blood flow to male genitalia is not important, when compared to blood flow to the vital organs which are essential for life.

Cardio Vascular System: ED is one of the resulting symptoms of a deeper, more serious health hazard. If you recognize ED as an early warning system of impending cardio vascular disease, be thankful all you have to deal with is disappoint, rather than death.

Vascular Disease usually begins as Atherosclerosis and / or Arteriosclerosis. In lay term it means “hardening of the arteries” but is actually much more complex.

Think of atherosclerosis like the water drain pipes in your home. Eventually they get all clogged up, then fail to drain properly, usually very slowly. “Clogged drain pipes” / “Clogged arteries.” Think of arteriosclerosis like a garden hose that has been left turned on and in direct sunlight. Eventually the walls of the hose swell, become weak and may burst. Weak arteries are calcified to increase hardness so they will not break open, which translates to higher Diastolic blood pressure readings. (The lower of the two numbers.)

Both atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis result in the same, collective problem: “Cardio Vascular Disease.” This is the leading cause of death of all human beings on this planet.

The primary symptom of Cardio Vascular Disease (hopefully discovered before a heart attack kills someone), is a rise in blood pressure.

The degree of increases in blood pressure are directly proportional to the degree of Erectile Dysfunction.
A) One of the first signs of impending erectile dysfunction which is being caused by the initial stages of significant cardio vascular disease, is the inability to carry out sexual intimacy in the early morning hours.

NOTE: Taking prescription “high blood pressure medications” probably will not help ED. All blood pressure medications do are artificially prevent our bodies from functioning normally. The arterial / vascular damages are still present. ED will still be on the bottom of the list. The only reason for blood pressure medications are to help prevent rupture of thin / weak walled vessels from breaking open. Thus helping to prevent such things as eye and kidney damages, or an aneurysm. An aneurysm means an artery burst open from too much blood pressure, leading to internal bleeding, leading to death.

Athletic: 110 / 70
Healthy: 115 / 75
Accepted “Normal” 120 / 80
ED begins approx.: 150 / 90
ED Intensifies: 160 / 95
ED significant: 180 / 98

Does sexual activity reduce heart disease? Studies say yes. In one 10-year study, men who had sex two or more times per week experienced half as many heart attacks as did those who had sex less than once per month. (2)

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1) Both Type I and Type II Diabetes will cause damages, potentially permanent, to all parts of the cardiovascular system, especially the smaller arteries, male genitalia included.
2) See my article “Diabetes” in the index of my website.

The first arteries to be affected are arteries of the: eyes, bottoms of feet, and male genitalia.

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Overwhelming Stress

1) Time Management to reduce stress level.
2) REM sleep is the only time Growth Hormone is released in adults. GH is essential to repair the body and recover from the effects of heavy stress loads.
3) Strenuous exercise has been shown in several studies to be the single best therapy for releasing the emotional damages of chronic stress.

Stress Coping Herbs:
1) Lavandula Augustifolia
A) Only grows above 5,000 feet. Excellent to help lower emotional stress responses.
B) There are other types of lavender which are more common and easier to grow, but only effective for their aromatic properties.
2) Kava Kava
A) First discovered in Fiji Islands. Was used as a drink that relaxed the mind and at the same time, enhanced the ability think more clearly. (Not at all like an alcoholic beverage.)
3) GABA (Gamms-Aminobutyric Acid)
A )GABA is a natural neurotransmitter found in the body. Its primary role is to reduce nerve excitability in the nervous systems of both the body and brain.
4) Ashwagandha
A) From India, this herb is an “adaptogen” that helps the body balance out stress responses.
5) Theobromine
A) An alkaloid found in the Cacao plant. It is found in chocolate and other foods. Its mechanism is similar to caffeine. Enhances mood and alertness.
6) L-Theanine
A) An amino acid. Shown in research to calm stress and elevate mood and alertness.

Male sexual health is more than just an erection. It also includes interest, desire, response, and finally satisfaction. Stress often interferes with these essential components.

Being touched by others is an essential human need. Babies who are not held do not develop and grow as they should. In a sense, we do not change as we become adults. Touch relaxes and bonds people in a way that no conversation can. From hand holding, to cuddling and caressing, touch creates an intense sense of well-being in most people.

The ultimate touch is intimacy, expressed specifically as sexual activity. Sexual activity releases stress and can mend even the most harsh argument with a spouse. Touch and sexual relations stimulate the brain to release the hormone Oxycontin, which is one of the hormones that bind people together. Oxytocin also bonds mother to baby while nursing. Other benefits of Oxytocin. It speeds wound healing and may help decrease the risk of some cancers. Endorphins (feel good hormones) are also released during sex, as well as when exercising.

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Weight loss is critical.

It is well demonstrated that increases in excess weight has a direct proportion to lack of stamina required to carry out to the end, the physical demands of male sexual activity to his sweetheart / wife, without getting out of breath and / or exhausted.

Being overweight also damages the internal lining of blood vessels, which are one of the primary causes of cardio vascular disease and erectile dysfunction.

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Heavy Metal Toxicity

1) DMSA chelation therapy, and/or
2) EDTA chelation therapy.
3) Frequency Specific Microcurrent to repair damaged electron vibrational harmonics.

1) Lead, Mercury, Aluminum, and Arsenic: All have negative effects on several pathways that could eventually cause damages to the: Cardiovascular system, nervous system, brain health, kidneys, liver and emotions, and male genitalia.
2) All will eventually lead to decreased mobility (shorter life span). The body will prioritize where to keep energy alive. Sexual organs are on the bottom of the priority list.
3) More details are available in my website index under” Heavy Metal Toxicity.”
4) More details about Frequency Specific Microcurrent are available in my website index under “Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM).”

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Adductive Medicine
Amino Acid Therapy

1) Arginine: Releases Nitrous Oxide gas which dilates arteries, with emphasis towards heart and male genitalia. Increased blood flow causes a firmer erection.
2) Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid. It is a Arginine precursor for Nitrous Oxide synthesis. (1)


1) Arginine: Is a semi-essential amino acid for many biochemical pathways in the human body including: Immune function, ammonia metabolism, the secretion of hormones, and is best known as a biochemical precursor to nitric oxide.
A) Numerous studies have shown that Arginine reduces the oxygen cost of aerobic exercise (like intimacy), supports healthy blood pressure (the primary underlying cause of ED), and increases nitric oxide synthesis (dilates arteries feeding heart and male genitalia). Nitric oxide is measured as Nitrogen Dioxide in blood tests.

2) Why include Citrulline? About half of ingested Arginine is rapidly converted to Ornithine, a precursor molecule for the synthesis of proteins, urea, creatine, and agmatine. Therefore, less Arginine is available to help increase blood flow to the heart and male genital. Citrulline bypasses this conversion which occurs in the intestines and liver, so more is available for increased production of Nitric Oxide.
A) Citrulline has been shown to support healthy sexual function in men, as well as support healthy blood pressure, all naturally.

3) Nitric Oxide: Is a very simple but important molecule. It is not the same as nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas.” The nitric oxide story is no laughing matter; it will determine how long you live. And it’s an integral part of sex and heart health.
A) Nitric oxide is made by endothelium, cells which line the inside of blood vessels. The endothelium is extremely sensitive to physical and chemical conditions inside our blood vessels. When the endothelium senses a healthy heart condition, (such as physical activity with low cholesterol), it releases more nitric oxide. Nitric oxide then expands the blood vessels to further assist the physical activity. It also decreases plaque growth and blood clotting.
B) Conversely, when the endothelium senses high cholesterol, especially with high blood pressure, and emotional distress, it releases less nitric oxide. This encourages atherosclerosis to begin / accelerate.
C) Male genitalia erection depends on the release of nitric oxide gas to dilate the vessels of both the heart, and the male genitalia.
D) Side note: Nitroglycerin, a drug used when tightness of the chest occurs (heart striving to get oxygen), works by being converted into nitric oxide.

Suggested dose: 3 grams each: L-Arginine and L-Citrulline daily first three months, then decrease to three times per week, or as needed.

1) Provides accumulative benefits.
2) No negative side effects.

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Herbal Therapy

1) Kaempferia parviflora
Thai black ginger / Thai ginseng, native to Thailand.
Most active ingredient: 5,7-dimethoxyflavone (DMF)
2) Tribulus

1) Kaempferia parviflora is an herb that has a long history of enhancing male sexual function, in addition to enhancing favorable brain responses to complement marital relationships. Studies show it also improves response time to erotic stimuli.
A) Suggested dose: 90 mg of daily for first three months to build up stores. Then decrease intake to three times per week or as needed.

2) Tribulus is an herb used by Naturopathic Doctors to help improved sexual function in men by elevating the natural production of Testosterone.

1) Provides accumulative benefits.
2) No negative side effects known.

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Vitamin Therapy

Niacin (Vitamin B3)

The natural form of Vitamin B3 is Niacin. The synthetic form is Niacinamide. Niacin expands the internal diameter of blood vessels. This is where the term “Niacin Flush” comes from. Niacinamide will not cause dilation of blood vessels.

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Allopathic Choices


Pharmaceutical drug therapy. Works by relaxing smooth muscles lining the arteries, increasing blood flow to the male genitalia.

1) There have been reports of male patients going to the ER because their erection will not subside. They had to have counter drug therapy to allow their male genitalia to relax.
2) Other negative effects: Visual disturbances, hearing loss, headaches, flushing of skin.
3) Medications can cost up to $50.00 per pill.
4) Works one time only. (Pay $50.00 each time. . . . .)

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1) Citrulline:
Urology. 2011 Jan;77(1):119-22. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2010.08.028.

2) Hall, S. American Journal of Cardiology, Jan. 15, 2010; vol 105: pp 192-197.
Susan A. Hall, PhD, department of epidemiology, New England Research Institutes.

DISCLAIMER This information is provided for Educational Purposes Only and has NOT been designed to diagnose, treat or cure any health conditions. Please consult a qualified Health Care Professional with Nutritional Training to diagnose your health conditions and avoid self-diagnosis. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated statements about these health topics or any suggested product compositions.