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Candida Prevention Medical Considerations
Antibiotics Discussion

Candida Prevention
Medical Considerations

Intestinal Flora Replacement: We must create a healthy environment within the Gastrointestinal Tract. Antibiotics destroy the friendly gut bacteria, allowing the naturally present candida bacteria to overpopulate, and then mutate into a mold, which penetrates the intestinal wall to infect the rest of the body. This process has the end result of a “Polysystemic Candidiasis Infection.” (Poly meaning in many systems of the body.) Replacing friendly bacteria on a regular basis, but especially during and after any antibiotic use, is very important for the prevention of a candida overgrowth. A high quality, balanced, Intestinal Replacement product, should replace the delicate strands of the various acidophilus types of intestinal bacterium. This is essential during Candida die off so other Candida does not “refill” back into the empty spaces in the intestines. This should assist in combating digestive disorders, vaginal yeast infections, and helps the body resist diseases caused by “unfriendly” bacteria.

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Antibiotics represent one of the biggest advancements in treating human maladies made to date. Before the advent of antibiotics, relatively simple infections could kill humans within a matter of hours. That is still possible if antibiotic therapy is not instituted in appropriate situations. However, in Europe for instance, antibiotic therapy is always ended by a treatment of gut flora, like acidophilus, to rebalance the damaged gut flora caused by treating people with antibiotics. In our country, antibiotics are seen as a non-treatment. In the United States we’ve come to take them for granted. They are so common I’ve seen children with fevers go into emergency rooms, and because their parents were worried, they were given antibiotic therapy for no other reason. I’ve seen them given because the physicians were too lazy to clean out a wax filled ear and they say “well, there is a fever there might be an infection, so I’ll give the antibiotic and that will cover me,” which in a sense is true, but shows how little people regard that therapy as far as being dangerous. This attitude has lead to several things happening. We actually have antibiotics given routinely in our food chain: cattle are fed it before they are slaughtered, so the frequent exposure to antibiotics in our society has caused an epidemic of certain kinds of illnesses related to an imbalance of gut flora. For one thing the immune system gets weakened. People start becoming more allergic or sensitive to different food types that cause them to have food allergies.

The discovery of antibiotics occurred around the time the Second World War. Concurrently, the incidence of Candida infections began to rise. Though antibiotics have saved many lives, heavy use of antibiotics are currently always associated with Systemic Candida Infections. This is because antibiotics generally kill off the delicate strains of the good intestinal bacteria such as Lactobacillus.

This would be a good time to review our section on Candida Infections

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DISCLAIMER This information is provided for Educational Purposes Only and has NOT been designed to diagnose, treat or cure any health conditions. Please consult a qualified Health Care Professional with Nutritional Training to diagnose your health conditions and avoid self-diagnosis. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated statements about these health topics or any suggested product compositions.