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My book, “Parasites and Worms in Humans,” is now available for purchase.
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with Comprehensive yet Simple Safe and Effective Educational Therapeutic Protocols utilizing Herbal Medicines

Parasitic zoonosis are diseases that can be transmitted from pets to people. The parasites that pediatricians see most often are roundworms, tapeworms and hookworms. 8 in 10 pediatricians do not believe their clients with young children and pets are aware of the risks. Parasites are transmitted to people through oral ingestion of parasite eggs from a contaminated environment, by hookworm larva penetrating the skin, or from accidently ingesting a flea infected with tapeworm.

In just one week, 2 puppies infected with roundworms can shed more than 20 million eggs, extensively contaminating a 2,800 sq. ft. backyard. Roundworm eggs remain alive in the soil for years, waiting to infect pets or people.

Common symptoms in pets infected with parasites are: vomiting, diarrhea, anemia, depression, irritability, and loss of appetite.

73% of Pediatricians see cases of pet to human zoonotic parasitic disease every year.

Reference: www.bayerDVM.com

Even with this acknowledgment of just how easy it is for humans to contract parasites and worms from pets, most USA doctors feel parasites and worms just do not exist in humans, in our modern United States of America, or any other well developed country. This is false.

I designed my book “Parasites and Worms in Humans,” as an educational medical reference textbook for anyone with an educational level between high-school students, through and including medical students. It will be easily understood by the average lay person who has no medical knowledge, yet contains enough referenced information, Genuses, disease types, and ICD -10 billing codes, for medical students who need details. I wrote this book as an instructional resource, with the same information I would present at a weekend educational seminar designed for the average family with children; discussing parasites, worms, and what can be done to eradicate these unwanted pests from the human body using therapeutic grade, natural herbal medicines. As a teaching tool, I’ve also included the exact remedial protocols I developed and use whenever I treat my patients, for any type of parasite or worm infestations.

Instructions are included on how any lay person can easily obtain, directly from the manufacturers, the exact herbal medicines I use in my practice when I treat my parasite and worm patients.

There are numerous types of parasites and worms which I’ve seen infest humans. Some are rare while others are more common. The heart of my book details the most common parasites and worms that can, and do, infest mankind from any part of this globe, including highly developed countries such as the USA.

This book is for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA

Chapter I

“Make no mistake about it, worms are the most toxic agents in the human body. They are one of the primary underlying causes of disease and are the most basic cause of compromised immune system.” – Hazel Parcells, D.C., N.D., Ph.D., 1974

This is an important statement to take to heart. What I have witnessed in my practice is a corresponding degree of worsening, overall health complaints amongst my patients, which corresponds to: 1) The type of parasite involved, 2) The length of time the patient has been infested with parasites, and 3) The severity of the parasite infestation. Granted, there are many reasons why a patient’s health can deteriorate. However, when a patient has a parasite infestation problem in addition to other health concerns, I have found this correlation always remains true.

Naturopathic doctors, herbalogists, homeopaths, nutritionists, acupuncturists; almost any health care professional who practices outside the allopathic realm, understands most (but not all) skin problems are a manifestation or expression of a much deeper, underlining, internal health disease. I have witnessed in my practice, and been taught as a medical student and at many continuing education seminars, the majority of these “deeper” health problems when expressed on the skin, are usually related to an overabundance of toxins coupled with a severely compromised immune system.

The number of “other” health issues which can result from a heavy parasite load are almost limitless. Each individual has unique strengths and weaknesses, one from another. Sometimes these differences are noticeable, sometimes they are not, at first anyhow. If an individual through genetics, inherited a higher than normal tendency for heart disease or cancer, when their health begins to break down, either by aging or lifestyle, one individual will likely end up with heart disease and the other with cancer. When a patient has endured a severe parasite load for a long time, their health will begin to break down in approximately the same order as their inherited, or acquired, internal weaknesses. “Acquired weakness” means they lived a certain lifestyle which downgraded some body systems faster then what would be expected in the normal aging process.

What this all means is a patient who has a severe and long standing parasite infestation will usually end up developing all kinds of other, secondary or consequential health issues, which will almost always also include some type of skin problems. Since the vast majority of conventional doctors in the USA will not even entertain the possibility a parasite problem could exist in this highly developed country, the patient will end up hopping from one doctor to another, seeking answers. Many of the calls I receive from concerned individuals who believe they have parasites, usually tell me “my doctor said it is all in my head.” If the patient’s previous chart notes accompany the patient to the next doctor, and if that next doctor reads those previous chart notes before seeing their new patient, then the new doctor will usually prejudge the new patient and dismiss the patient due to “it is all in their head.” These patients usually end up going from doctor to doctor over the course of many months or years without receiving any help, all at the same time that their “strange, unexplainable, non-responsive” health issues continue to get worse and worse.

In developed countries the term “parasites” is usually associated with an infestation of intestinal worms. Citizens in developed countries like to think parasites and worms are only a third world problem. It isn’t. I get calls from all over the United States by patients who have infestation problems and are not able to find any medical assistance, sometimes for literally years. In developed countries including the United States, pinworms in children is quite common and physicians seldom check for this infestation.

Worms, bacteria, candida, flukes, some protozoa and amoeba are all, by definition, considered parasites because they live off of a host; whether human, dog, cat, horse, cow, pig, sheep, etc. Most of these opportunistic foreigners BEGIN their infestations inside the small and large intestines of their new “host.” An exception is “Lymphatic Filariasis” which first begins in the blood, then rapidly infiltrates into the lymphatic system of humans.

Worms can be contracted through ingestion of eggs or larva from undercooked fish, poultry, meat, or other animal products used as food. A common parasite from undercooking, which is now widely understood is “Trichinosis,” a parasitic disease caused by eating raw or undercooked pork or wild game, infected with the larvae of the roundworm, Trichinella spiralis. Unless you are sure the animal product you are going to eat is free from any parasites or worms, proper cooking methods need to create enough heat to kill any live parasites and worms.

Parasites are a serious public health threat because so few people are talking about them and even fewer people are listening when they are being discussed. What is a parasite? A parasite lives inside a host body feeding off the energy of the host, the cells of the host, or the food consumed by the host. In recent medical studies it has been estimated that 85% of the North American adult population has at least one form of parasite living inside their bodies. Some professionals believe this is actually closer to 95%. Pinworms alone account for 11.4%.

Parasites are insidious because of the common misconception among medical people and the general public that parasites are generally a Third World problem where malnutrition and poor hygienic practices exist. This is not true. Testing often does not show the presence of parasites because the most current testing procedures are outdated and inadequate.

In the United States diarrheal diseases are the third major cause of sickness and death. Diarrheal diseases caused by parasites is considered the greatest single worldwide cause of illness and death. Intestinal parasites do some of their worst harm by interfering with digestion and/or damaging the intestinal lining, which leads to diarrhea. Diarrheal diseases and parasite infestation problems are significantly increased in underdeveloped countries who have poor sanitation methods.

Modern transportation methods has made international travel very easy. The United States has seen huge increases in migration from poorer countries of the world. This intermixing of cultures are likely contributing to recent surges of parasite and worm infestation complaints. Beginning in 2012 our office has seen a huge increase in the number of phone calls received from people all over the USA with concerns and complaints of becoming infested with some sort of parasites or worms.

Traditionally diarrhea and abdominal pains were the symptoms most often associated with parasites and worms. The complaint base from callers to our clinic since 2012 has been including a broader array of symptoms such as irritable bowel syndrome, poor digestion, malnutrition, chronic fatigue and quite often a severely weakened immune system response resulting in increased susceptibility to being sick and run down more often. Some of the other most common symptoms of intestinal infestation of parasites and worms include: abdominal pains, loss of appetite, diarrhea, anemia, weight loss, constipation, gas, distension of the abdomen, nausea, headaches, general malaise and the big one, pruritus ani (itchy backside).

In order to survive, parasites must remain hidden in deep and remote places within your body. If parasites were easily detected, then the immune system of the host body would quickly make every attempt to eliminate those parasites. Anyone can be a host to parasites and not even be aware of their existence.

ANYONE can become a HOST to PARASITES.


  • Rise in international travel
  • Rise in immigration to United States with refugee and immigrant populations from endemic areas
  • Return of armed forces from foreign countries
  • Consumption of untreated water
  • Contamination of municipal and rural water supplies
  • Contamination of food sources
  • Daycare facilities
  • Animals: pets, exotic pets, farm animals
  • Antibiotic use and any other immuno-suppressive drugs
  • Dysbiosis of normal intestinal flora (a modern day endemic) (Friendly gut bacteria off-balance)
  • Popularity of exotic regional foods

THERE are FOUR BASIC PATHWAYS a HOST (human or animal), can become INFECTED:

  • Sexual contact can transmit Giardia, Trichomonas, and Amoebae
  • Contaminated food or water sources spreads Roundworm, Amoebae, and Giardia
  • Contaminated dust carries (A) Hookworms, Schistosomes and Strongyloidies can penetrate bare feet (B) Pinworm eggs and Toxoplasma gondii are inhaled through the nose
  • Vectors: (A) Mosquitos carry Dog Heartworms, Filaria, & Malaria (B) Fleas carry Dog Tapeworms (C) Common household flies carry Amebic Cysts (D) Sand flies carry Leishmaniasis


  • Abdominal pains and cramps (bloating)
  • Allergic-like reactions
  • Anemia
  • Bulky stools with excess fat in feces
  • Constipation
  • Cutaneous ulcers
  • Depressed Secretary IgA
  • Dermatitis (itching of skin)
  • Diarrhea
  • Environmental intolerance
  • Eczema, weeping
  • Fatigue and especially chronic fatigue
  • Fever
  • Flatulence (gas)
  • Food allergies (immediate or delayed onset)
  • Foul-smelling stools
  • Gastritis
  • Headaches
  • Hives
  • Increased intestinal permeability
  • Indigestion
  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Irregular bowel movements
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Joint & muscle, inflammation and pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Low back pain
  • Malabsorption
  • Papular lesions
  • Rashes
  • Sores
  • Swelling
  • Weight loss


  • A peptic ulcer could actually be a Roundworm infestation
  • Ulcerative colitis could actually be a Amoebic colitis infection
  • Chronic fatigue and even a yeast infection, could actually be a chronic Giardia infestation


SUGAR: Some parasites live off sugar. If you crave sugar, you may have a sugar loving parasite. These parasites live directly off the food you consume. As such, they can be found in the digestive tract, but also can be found in the liver, or any other part of the body.

CELLS: Other parasites actually get their food directly from your cells. They attach themselves to your cells and eat the contents of your cells. These parasites can be dangerous because they can travel to areas of the body where they can cause a lot of damage.

NUTRIENTS: Parasites that live off the food you consume, eat the best parts of the food, the most nutritious parts. The host (human) only gets the left overs.


There was a study conducted in 1979 by British Scientists. They studied former prisoners of World War II. The prisoners had been in the Far East. Thirty years after being released from their POW camps, 15% were still infected with a parasite called Stronglyloides which they had contracted during the war.

Tapeworms can be found in unclean and undercooked meat. Tapeworms can live beyond 10 years. If you ate unclean and under-cooked meat 10 years ago that was contaminated, you could still be a host to a tapeworm that could be very long by now.


The two major categories are large parasites and small parasites. The large parasites are primarily worms. The small parasites are mostly microscopic in size. Protozoa and Amoebae are examples of microscopic parasites.

  • The large parasites, like tapeworms, pinworms, and roundworms, can usually be seen with the naked eye. Tapeworms can easily be 10 to 15 inches long. The large parasites can travel to other parts of the body, besides the digestive tract. These parasites reproduce by laying eggs in the intestinal tract, where the eggs stick to the sides of the intestines. When the eggs hatch, they grow into adults, then lay their own eggs. Then the whole cycle continues
  • The smaller parasites, including protozoa and amoebas, function more like an infection than a parasite. They travel via the blood stream just like a bacteria and reproduce without laying eggs.
  • The microscopic parasites can be dangerous because they can get into joints and eat the calcium linings off your bones, which can lead to osteo-arthritis.
  • All of your nerves have an insulating coating, much like how rubber covers copper wire. This coating is called the Myelin Sheath. This myelin sheath is composed of proteins. There are parasites that consume protein and can consume part of the myelin sheath. This will cause disruptions in nerve signaling from the brain to the output area where the nerve is traveling. This can be most serious.


(Chapters II, III and IV)
Amoebae are potentially deadly. Some amoeba are very common, some are not. Health problems from some amoebae can be minor, while health problems from other amoebae can kill a person in a matter of days to a few weeks. The real problem with amoebae is they are able to cross the blood-brain barrier and gain access to the human brain. If either of the amoebae Acanthamoeba and Balamuthia mandrillaris gain access to the central nervous system, a neurological condition called “Encephalitis” can quickly turn deadly. If either of these same two amoebae gain access to the human’s brain, they will feed on brain cells, killing their victim quickly. If an individual contracts the amoebae Entamoeba histolytica, they can either remain symptom free for years but also end up being “carriers” infecting other humans, or these amoebae can cause severe health issues depending on which organ system they have commandeered. If a human is enjoying water sports in warm freshwater and contracts the amoebae Naegleria fowleri, the patient almost always dies within days because this amoebae also feeds entirely on brain cells.


(Chapter V)
These parasites are a form of protozoa, a single celled parasite. They are many species of this protozoa and all are quite common on our planet. There is considerable debate amongst healthcare doctors and researchers, whether or not these protozoa cause illnesses in humans. Some researchers have strong evidence these protozoa indeed cause significant health problems amongst humans. These doctors and researchers point to the species, Blastocystis hominis (“hominis” indicating human), as definitely causing diseases in humans. While at the same time other doctors and researchers are insistent all species of Blastocystis are harmless to humans.


(Chapter VI)
Giardia is the most common parasite to infect humans worldwide. It is usually self-limiting, lasting anywhere from two to six or more weeks in length. Only about one-third of infected humans will exhibit symptoms.


(Chapter VII)
Aside from amoebae, trichinella, and the cysts formed from pork tapeworms, all of which can enter human brain tissue; I consider hookworms to be the most dangerous to humans. Hookworms are very damaging and even deadly to their host. Hookworms bite and suck on the intestinal wall which can cause bleeding and necrosis (death) of the intestinal tissues. They can also seriously damage the respiratory system. In severe infections, Iron Deficiency Anemia becomes a problem because all the iron has been used up by the hookworms. Hemoglobin levels (oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells) have been reported to be as low as 15% of normal in patients with severe, long-standing hookworm infestations. Some of the more serious complications of having a hookworm infestation can include:

  • Intellectual and cognitive impairments in children
  • Growth retardation in children
  • Growth retardation of the uterus of a pregnant woman which will affect the growth potential of a fetus
  • Premature delivery of a child
  • Low birth weight of the child
  • Death of pregnant women and small children, due to the combination of extremely high blood losses, serious anemia, serious lung damages, and serious protein malnutrition


(Chapter VIII)
Spreading of this parasite is from Mosquito bites. This parasite differs from other parasites in that it spends its entire adult life inside the lymphatic system of its victims, causing irreversible damages to the lymph vessels. It can also be passed to offspring when the fetus is inside the womb of a pregnant mother who has this parasite.


(Chapter IX)
Pinworms are highly infectious from human to human. One of the sure signs of a pinworm infestation is a lot of itchiness in the anal area. The worms deposit their eggs mostly at night on the external surfaces of the anus, contaminating pajamas and bed linen. The eggs are readily transported through the air and can be found in every room of the home. Complications are more common in women than in men because of anatomical differences. Pinworms can be found in the vulva, uterus and fallopian tubes because the worm loses its way (entering the vaginal area) while trying to return to the anus after depositing its eggs.


(Chapter X)
Dr. Norman Stoll, a former worm expert at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, estimated in the 1940s, that the Roundworm infected about 644 million people in the world. Significant nutritional deficiencies are commonly seen in heavy roundworm infestations.


(Chapter XI)
The tapeworm species which cause the greatest potential damages to its human hosts comes from eating under-cooked or raw pork. One of its life cycle phases is to create a cyst. The worst problem with the pork tapeworm cyst is it can enter into brain tissue. When inside brain tissue it displaces (crowds out) brain tissue, leading to potentially severe complications.

The fish tapeworms are the largest of the human tapeworms reaching a length of up to 33 feet or more. There can be 3,000 to 4,000 segments in one fish worm. It can produce more than 1,000,000 eggs per day. This type of infestation can cause anemia because of interference with Vitamin B12. Tapeworms of any type can also cause water retention. Tapeworms come primarily from contaminated and under-cooked Pork, Beef and Fish A dog who has tapeworms and is licking a person’s face, can introduce tapeworms into that person!


(Chapter XII)
This parasite also comes from eating under-cooked or raw pork, but it is not the same parasite as tapeworms. If the infestation rate is low, the human immune system might be able to dispel this parasite. If the infestation rate is high, this parasite can affect the lungs, heart, and brains of humans.


(Chapter XIII)
A Whipworm is a type of Roundworm. Whipworms inject a digestive fluid into the colon tissue which converts colon tissues into a liquid which the whipworms then consume.


(Chapter XIV)
There are several methods that have been tried across our globe to detect and diagnosis parasite and worm infestation loads. The Ova and Parasite (O&P) exam is by far the most common. It involves taking multiple stool samples at two-to-four day intervals and chemically preserving these samples. The stool samples are then stained with specialized staining techniques utilizing fluorescent antibodies. The fluorescent antibodies attach to parasites and give off a fluorescence which then can be viewed under a microscope. This method is sometimes also called “Direct Microscopy.”

However, if you were to get tested by a doctor for parasites, chances are the results would come back negative. This does not mean for certainty that you do not have parasites. Common medical testing procedures only catch about 20% of the actual cases of parasites. There exist over 1,000 species of parasites which can live in the human body. Tests are available for approximately 40 to 50 types. This means physicians are only testing for about 5% of all the potential parasites and missing 80% of those which could be present. This brings the ability to clinically find parasites down to 1%.


(Chapter XV)
In my medical practice I treat a lot of problems stemming from a Candida overgrowth, which in its worst form becomes a “Systemic Candidiasis Infection.” Parasites can contribute to development of Candida overgrowth problems. Candida overgrowth can contribute to parasites gaining a stronger foothold inside their human hosts.


(Chapter XVI)
This chapter gives several detailed “Educational Protocols” using herbal medicines. It is the longest chapter in this book. I have included preparatory information which needs to be understood prior to studying the educational protocols. Topics such as:

  • Warning to Alcoholics
  • Warning to Patients on Psychotropic Medications
  • Understanding the “Art” of Medicine, verses the “Science” of Medicine
  • Medical Terminology
  • Measuring / Dispensing Herbal Tinctures
  • How to Take Herbal Tinctures
  • Dosing adjustments for children


It is essential to follow my recommendations to the letter.
Parasites are extremely difficult to eradicate.
If a person tries to save a little money by buying cheat, MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT!
I recommend Barlow Herbal Specialties in Sandy Utah. I have NO financial interest.

There are five levels of quality:

1) Fake stuff over the internet. Not everything is fake, but some are. You just don’t know which ones.

2) Fake stuff at discount stores. Not everything is fake, but some are. You just do not know the differences. Refer to the New York Attorney General’s office statement in the next paragraph, then decide.

3) Commercially grown, using fertilizers, herbicides, etc., to yield a high volume of crop. Weeds are eradicated. Roots do not have to go deep because nutrients have been abundantly laid down before them.

4) Organically grown, is also commercially grown, but void of herbicides and artificial fertilizers. Since fertilizers are still used, the roots do not have to go down deep for nutrition. Growers sign a statement agreeing to Organic guidelines. They are rarely physically inspected for compliance.

5) Wild-crafted: Plants are not babied. Roots have to go deep to find nutrition. Nutrition is superior. Why? In medicine we do not know everything. In nature there are always “other” elements that complement the ones we are currently aware exist. It is like formulating Vitamin C in a lab, which is easy to do using chemicals. Compare this to squeezing ripe oranges to get your Vitamin C. You are getting more than just Vitamin C, you are getting many other things that nature has provided.

“There have been a number of recent items in the media regarding dietary supplements. Most recently, the media has reported on the New York Attorney General’s office delivering cease and desist letters to four major retailers – Target, GNC, Walgreens, and Walmart – to stop selling certain dietary supplements. The action in New York was taken in response to an investigation conducted by the Attorney General in which 78 bottles of popular botanical supplements were obtained off the shelves of these retailers and subjected to DNA barcoding analysis. This analysis has been claimed to determine that many of the sampled products contained ingredients other than those listed on the label, and in some cases, revealed the major ingredients cited on the label were not present in the product.”
REFERENCE: Thorne Research, 5 February 2015

Parasites are hard enough to get rid of. If the reader / listener tries to cut costs by purchasing brands I do not recommend, those medicines many have little to no effect.

I recommend Barlow Herbal Specialties in Sandy Utah. Their products are the only ones I trust. Barlow Herbal owns several acres. They hand pick a little at a time so the mother roots remain intact. Their herbal tinctures are “Wild Crafted.”


(Chapter XVII)
Any “ill health” problems of any kind will alter the way electrons vibrate around the nucleus of atoms of any and all biological tissues. Each “ill health” complication will alter electron vibrations in varying yet specific ways. Contraction of parasites does alter the electron vibrational resonance frequencies of all tissues that the parasites have affected. Eradication of parasites will not return the patient back to complete recovery, if these abnormal vibrational frequencies have not been returned to its normal resonance frequencies. I have been practicing Naturopathic Medicine since 1993. I am only aware of one therapy which can cancel out the wrong vibrational frequencies and restore the correct frequencies. This therapy is called “Frequency Specific Microcurrent.”


(Chapter XVIII)
I have received calls from many parasite infested individuals who, after having been turned down by their primary care allopathic physicians, then turn to Doctors of Veterinary Medicine looking for some / “any help.” Before resorting to using drug therapy that was designed for farm animal use, please read the warning labels at farm stores that sell these products. They usually read “WARNING, NOT FOR USE IN HUMANS.” Despite these warnings, there are doctors and researchers on this globe currently experimenting using these drugs on humans.

There has been emerging a treatment scheme called “Reverse Treatments.” This evokes purposely infecting research subjects with whipworms to help treat diseases of the Gastro-Intestinal (GI) tract.

Other treatment schemes researchers are experimenting with is using chemotherapy to eradicate parasites. To remind my readers, chemotherapy is one of the four main treatments used by conventional allopathic physicians in the USA to treat cancer. Many cancer patients who has undergone chemotherapy treatment may say something like: “If I survive the chemotherapy treatment…” Or; “if the cancer does not kill me the chemotherapy may.” These are actual statements I hear all the time from patients undergoing chemotherapy from their primary care physicians.


(Chapter XIX)

Most (not all) parasite infestation problems can be prevented with proper hygiene and sanitation practices. This is especially true in the food industry and is the primary reason why food service workers wear protective gloves when preparing foods, to help prevent cross contamination of any diseases from human to human.

DISCLAIMER This information is provided for Educational Purposes Only and has NOT been designed to diagnose, treat or cure any health conditions. Please consult a qualified Health Care Professional with Nutritional Training to diagnose your health conditions and avoid self-diagnosis. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated statements about these health topics or any suggested product compositions.