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Probiotics Medical Considerations
Pro-Biotic’s Discussion
Medical Considerations

Intestinal Flora / Probiotics Replacement: Sometimes referred to as “Probiotics”. We must create a healthy environment within the Gastrointestinal Tract. Antibiotics destroy the friendly gut bacteria, allowing the naturally present candida bacteria to overpopulate, and then mutate into a mold, which penetrates the intestinal wall to infect the rest of the body. This process has the end result of a “Polysystemic Candidiasis Infection.” (Poly meaning in many systems of the body.) Replacing friendly bacteria on a regular basis, but especially during and after any antibiotic use, is very important for the prevention of a candida overgrowth. A high quality, balanced, Intestinal Replacement product, should replace the delicate strands of the various acidophilus types of intestinal bacterium. This is essential during Candida die off so other Candida does not “refill” back into the empty spaces in the intestines. This should assist in combating digestive disorders, vaginal yeast infections, and helps the body resist diseases caused by “unfriendly” bacteria.

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One of the simplest yet most effective ways to achieve optimum health is by maintaining a healthy digestive tract. Most cultures through the centuries, including the Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and Indians have been aware of the link between digestive health and overall wellness. To provide a healthy environment within the gastrointestinal tract requires the proper amounts of “friendly” bacteria within the small and large bowel. These friendly bacteria contribute a myriad of useful services.

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Intestinal Flora / Probiotics Supportive Information

A large body of evidence over the past 75 years has demonstrated the preventive health value of eating foods fermented with Lactobacilli or Bifidobacteria. These beneficial bacteria are referred to as Probiotics. Probiotic bacteria are considered “friendly” bacteria. They are an essential component of a healthy gastrointestinal tract as they inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, boost immune function, decrease infection in the digestive tract, and enhance digestion through enzyme production.

There are numerous species of lactobacilli and many strains for each species. The most well known of these, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteris, are normal inhabitants of the human digestive tract. Others, like L. bulgaricus and L. Salivarius are not. These organisms, though, still play an important role in maintaining the proper ratio of “friendly” organisms in the bowel by producing “bacteriocins” chemicals that destroy harmful (unfriendly) bowel organisms.

Acidophilus and bifidobacteria maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora by producing organic compounds such as lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid. These compounds increase the acidity of the intestine and inhibit the growth of less desirable organisms that fair poorly in this acidic environment. By occupying an ecological niche in the intestine, they further limit the growth of opportunistic organisms.

A number of studies have demonstrated benefit of supplementation with Probiotics. The Annals of Internal Medicine published a study which showed that Lactobacillus ingestion reduced and prevented vaginal yeast infections in women. Lactobacillus has also demonstrated positive benefits in irritable bowel syndrome. The DDS-1 strain developed at the University of Nebraska, has proven to be a superior strain in terms of its compatibility with the human GI tract and its stability. (Therefore, the DDS-1 strain is used in this formula.) In another recent study, increasing levels of bifidobacteria reduced the count of Clostridium, a pathogenic disease causing bowel organism. Lowering of the level of Closridium reduced the amount of large bowel toxic chemicals believed to promote cancer. Also, the incidence of “traveler’s diarrhea,” which is caused by pathogenic bacteria can be reduced by preventive use of probiotics. It is also important to utilize Probiotics after antibiotic use as recolonizing the intestine may reduce post antibiotic infection in the digestive tract by fifty percent.

The choice of Probiotics is very important. It should be manufactured using highly viable, stable strains of organisms that survive passage through the digestive tract and take up residence in the GI tract.

Side Effects:

There are no known side effects with the use of probiotics.


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9. DBagchi and SK Dash, Lactobacillus Acidophilus- Natural Antibiotics and Beyond, Townsend Letter 78-82, 1996.

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DISCLAIMER This information is provided for Educational Purposes Only and has NOT been designed to diagnose, treat or cure any health conditions. Please consult a qualified Health Care Professional with Nutritional Training to diagnose your health conditions and avoid self-diagnosis. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated statements about these health topics or any suggested product compositions.